We had a busy but fun weekend! We went to a pool party on Friday at our friends house, the Saucedo's. Brennan had a great time swimming! We tried out her new raft and she loved it, just kept kicking her legs. I forgot the memory card to my camera so I couldn't take any pictures. I was able to get some pictures later that day at home. Gammi bought Brennan a 4th of July onesie so we had a little photo shoot. On Saturday we were supposed to go to Stephen's aunts house but Stephen was burned from being in the sun on Friday and Ethan had a little of sunburn too so we decided to stay home.

A few months ago I found the cutest dress that I wanted Brennan to wear for the 4th. I put it on her and of course we had to have another photo shoot. I swear she loves the camera. Whenever she sees the light on the camera she starts to smile. Maybe we have a future fashion model???

That evening we went to the Mall of GA to watch fireworks. We got there around 6:30p and set up our "compound". The Lee's and Saucedo's met us there and shortly after we all ate dinner. I had made chicken salad for Stephen & I and Brennan kept eyeing my sandwich. So I gave her a little piece of chicken and of course she ate it up and was looking for more. Around 9:30p the fireworks started and Brennan hardly took her eyes off of them, she was mesmerized.