Brennan's first Christmas was wonderful, busy and tiring! We started the holiday at Gammi & Poppy's house where we had Gammi's famous spaghetti for lunch. After lunch we opened presents. Brennan got some new outfits, a Bible and a toy. We then went to my grandparents house and Grammi, Papa, Uncle Eric & Evan were there (as well as my aunts, uncles & cousins). Brennan got an embroidered blanket that said "Brennan's First Christmas", a stuffed animal, clothes and toys. She had a hard time taking naps all day so I finally put her in the sling and she passed right out. She slept for a couple of hours there!

On Christmas morning Brennan slept until 10:15! We were all awake by 8:30a so we let Ethan & Evan open their presents from Santa. My parents, brother, nephew, sister, my sister's boyfriend and my paternal grandparents were all here. After all the Santa presents were opened we started opening presents from each other. Brennan got some more outfits, toys and books. My dad picked out this this sign for Brennan's room that says, "I didn't ask to be a princess but hey if the crown fits". So cute!
I decided to do a family picture while my whole family was here, we haven't had one in a really long time. They turned out really well!!!

On Saturday we went to Memaw & Papaw's house where Brennan got to see her cousin Kaylee. Memaw had bought them matching onesies so we took their pictures. Kaylee is 6 months older than Brennan and she is on the go! It was a little hard to get a picture of them but when we did it was so cute!!
After we left Memaw & Papaw's house we went to my cousin's house (Brent & Anna). Brennan got more clothes and a
purse that is actually a toy. It's really cute!!
We had a very busy holiday but it was great to see family. Everyone was so good to Brennan and we appreciate everything she received. We are blessed to have such a wonderful family.