Last Thursday Brennan got to go on her first out-of-town trip, we went to visit my parents. She did great on the trip up, she slept for about 4 hours of the trip. When she was awake she was in the back playing with her toys, looking out the window or smiling at Ethan. At my parents she slept awesome in the pack 'n play, I was worried since she just recently started sleeping in her crib. On Friday we went to lunch with my mom and went by her office so all her friends could see the kids. Ethan didn't want all those women doting on him but Brennan didn't seem to mind at all. She didn't have a problem being passed around and kept giving all kinds of smiles. After lunch we went to my brother's house for a little while and then pretty much stayed at my parents house until we left on Saturday. On the ride home Brennan screamed some, not crying screaming but a "get me out of here" scream. I think she was tired of being strapped in the car seat. She did sleep the last half of the trip and when we got home she went straight to bed for the night, she was exhausted!
1 comment:
Congrats on surviving your first trip out of town (out of state, even!) I know your Grammi and Papa were so happy to see you!!! Love the photos!
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