A couple of weeks ago we went to the beach for our summer vacation. This was Brennan's first time at the beach. I wasn't sure how she would react to the sand. The first time Ethan went he was 9 months old and he hated the sand. Well, Brennan loved it! Not only did she eat a few fistfuls but she had no problem crawling in the sand and getting it all over her. One day I was sitting in my beach chair (which is low to the ground) and she decided she wanted to crawl underneath it. She literally had her face in the sand and didn't care a bit. She had a great time exploring the beach and destroying the sand castles. Every time we would walk out onto the beach she was practically jumping out of my arms to get down.
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It's hard to believe that in less than two weeks she will be one! Where has the past year gone? We are really excited for her party and to celebrate with all our family & friends. I can't wait to see her dig into the cake, I know she is going to love it!!

On Labor Day, Gammi, Poppy, Memaw & Papaw came to visit. We were able to get the kids to take a couple of pictures with their great-grandparents (and it was no easy feat!). Brennan was crying in some of the pictures and Ethan was pouting in some (he didn't want his picture taken) but we finally got a cute one! They won't be able to be at Brennan's birthday party so they brought her presents. Memaw & Papaw bought her a cute little dress for winter. Gammi & Poppy bought her a cute dress for the spring and some touch & feel books. She loves books and especially the touch & feel ones!
1 comment:
Kaylee loves touch and feel books, too!! Throw in some sound and she's in heaven. :-) Can't wait to see you, Brennan. Just over a week until the big ONE!! Where has the year gone?!??
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