We had a busy Christmas weekend! On Christmas Eve we went to Canton to visit my grandmother. It was the first Christmas without my grandfather so the entire family made a point to go visit her for a while. We even got the family to take a picture with my grandmother. We were missing my aunt, Ouida, but she was home getting ready for all of us to invade their house!. :) We left Canton and headed to my uncle's house in Waleska for dinner and opened presents. The night went better than expected. We missed my Granddaddy but had fun just being together. Mom, Dad, Eric & Evan came home with us to stay for the weekend.

On Christmas morning when Brennan woke up she came walking into the den and was so excited to see the Christmas tree. Santa had moved it from the office (where it was protected from little exploring hands) to the den. She would not stop looking at it and touching all the ornaments, I really think she could have cared less for the presents. So after everyone else came down and my sister and her boyfriend arrived we let the kids open their gifts from Santa. Brennan got a baby doll that laughs when you touch her tummy and a baby doll stroller. My grandparents arrived so we made breakfast and ate. After breakfast we opened presents from everyone. Brennan got a tray with some play food, a Vtech Touch and Teach Turtle, an outfit, books, a Little People Palace, a pull out Princess couch and a book from Grammi & Papa for her & Ethan to share. The book was one where my parents recorded themselves reading the book, Brennan loves it! We finished opening the presents and then Vicki & Leonard came over. We visited for a while and had lunch. They brought Brennan the cutest outfit, a pair of leggings with a long sweater. Not long after they left me, my sister & mom started cooking our Christmas dinner. We were in the kitchen cooking for hours but the end result made it all worthwhile! We ended the night with our annual family picture.

The next day we went to Memaw & Papaw's for their Christmas gathering. We got to see pretty much everyone except those who live out of town. We had a nice lunch and got to visit with everyone. Brennan got a chance to play with her cousin, Kaylee, who is 6 months older.

When we left we headed home. My dad's family was coming to our house for our Christmas celebration. As soon as we got home it was Brennan's nap time so we put her down. She slept through the family opening presents. When she got up she was able to open her presents. She got a little car from Uncle Eric & Evan. Grandma & Grandpa gave her an outfit with a furry pink jacket. She loved the jacket so much she wanted to wear it most of the night.
On Sunday we went to Gammi & Poppy's house for brunch. They made an awesome breakfast casserole & french toast, plus we had fresh fruit which made it even better. Brennan loved the cantaloupe! After we ate and cleaned up Brian, Melinda, Chandler & Weston arrived. We let the kids open their presents. Gammi & Poppy gave Brennan some books and money. We plan on using the money to open her a checking account. We then went to the basement where the kids could run around and play. They had a good time playing and we enjoyed visiting with everyone.
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