On Christmas Eve we went our church for our first Christmas Eve service ever. We usually can not go because of family functions. It was a great service and I think the kids really liked it. It was nice to have them in service with us (it was a service geared towards kids). It was cute to watch Brennan get so excited about the music.
After church we went home and my mom's family was there for our family gathering. The little kids (Ethan, Brennan, Alena & Jordan) exchanged gifts and Brennan got a Little People Zoo.
That night we forgot to put out cookies for Santa before Brennan went to bed so she didn't get to help. But big brother, Ethan, helped get it ready and set it out for Santa.

On Christmas morning we woke up and found that Santa had moved our tree into the den from the office. We only put a tree up in the office this year (the room is blocked off by a gate) so Brennan wasn't pulling all the ornaments off. It was cool to have the tree in the den with us while we opened presents. First we opened presents from Santa. Brennan got a doll, a big magna doodle and a Mrs. Potato Head. After we finished the presents from Santa we made breakfast and I made the kids snowman pancakes. Brennan was excited to have candy on her pancakes. After breakfast we opened presents from each other. We got

Brennan a shopping cart, a cash register, pink Legos, Beauty & the Beast movie (which we lost but found a week later), books and a medical kit.

On Christmas night my dad's family came over. Right before everyone arrived it started snowing! Apparently it was the first time it has snowed on Christmas day in over 120+ years. The little kids (Ethan, Brennan, Sam & Zack) all opened their presents first. Brennan got a Barbie w/clothes, a Mickey Mouse cup that lights up, a Mickey Mouse stuffed doll and some Minnie Mouse Pj's. The cup was probably her favorite gift! She can't drink out of a cup yet so she puts her sippy cup in the cup and drinks that way.

On Sunday we woke up to a good bit of snow. We got dressed and went outside to play. We used old wakeboards to sled down the hill and Brennan loved it. She probably would've stayed out there all day if we let her. We came in to get dry & warm then got ready to go to Stephen's parents house to celebrate Christmas with them. Because of the snow we weren't sure if Stephen's brother & his family would make it since they live further north than us. But by noon they were able to leave their house. We had a good time and Brennan got a lot of really nice things. Gammi & Poppy gave her a box of princess shoes. She loves them, she will put them on and walk straight to our hardwoods so she can hear the clank, clank of the shoes. They also got her a princess CD player, a princess phone and a My Little Pony. Stephen's brother's family got her a Toy Story Mrs. Potato Head.