We had a really good Thanksgiving! My parents, brother & nephew drove in Wednesday night so we spent a little time with them Thursday morning and then my parents & brother went to my grandparents in Jefferson to eat Thanksgiving dinner. Me, Stephen, Brennan, Ethan and Evan (my nephew) all went to Stephen's parents house to celebrate the holiday with them. Memaw & Papaw also came! We had a delicious lunch of ham, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, peas, dressing & cranberry sauce. Brennan slept through lunch and finally woke up around 2p. After she ate she let everyone hold her for a little while but started to get fussy so I put her in the sling and she soon fell asleep. I think she slept for another 3 hours! When she woke up I fed her and then we took some family pictures, they all turned out great.
Brennan is really starting to smile a lot more. Every time she smiles it just melts my heart! She's also starting to follow objects (or people) with her eyes. Also if Ethan comes up behind her and says something you can see her perk up a little and turn her head. It's really cute how she recognizes his voice.

Also this weekend was the first time that my nephew, Evan, got to see Brennan. He took to her immediately and couldn't wait to hold her. When he finally got to hold her he held her for a really long time! He always kept an eye on her too. If she would start crying and I wasn't in the room he would come get me and say "Aunt Stephie Brennan is crying". It was so sweet!

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