Last Wednesday we had Brennan dedicated at church. We had a special Wednesday service that also included the baby dedications. Brennan has never been to church service before and when worship started she stared at the band for almost an entire song. After that she wanted to get down and either dance or try to run around. It was hard to keep her up front with us. She kept going to the row behind us to see Aunt Kerri and a couple of times she ran to the back row to sit with Michelle. After worship we had communion then we did all the dedications.

It was really cool because there were 3 other families that are in our growth group that were dedicating their children too. Brennan didn't stay still while we were standing at the front of the church and I was trying hard not to crack up, that girl just stays on the move.

Thank you Gammi, Poppy & Aunt Kerri for coming and sharing that special moment with us.
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