Last Wednesday Brennan turned 6 months old. I can't believe that she is already half a year old, time has flown by way too fast. She's still nursing like a champ and I'm so excited that we have made it 6 months. I have started giving her oatmeal mixed with applesauce and she loves it! She leans into the spoon and opens her mouth wide. Later this week I'm going to give her carrots, I figured it was probably the best veggie to start with. She still doesn't have any teeth but it seems like any day one will pop through, she is chewing on everything!

She is so close to sitting up on her own. Last week I put her on the floor and she sat up (leaning forward on her hands) for a long time. She's also starting to interact with us more. Just this evening she was making a funny noise and I did it right back. She looked at me, smiled and then made the noise again. We kept going back and forth for a while, it was so cute!

And here is a cute picture of Brennan with her favorite big brother.
Man, that is one cute girl! And so well dressed. It is unbelievable that she is already 6 months. Looks like you guys are doing a great job.
Leaning on her hands counts as sitting on her own, right?? She is so adorable, and I agree with Angie - super cute outfits!! I love her little lips in the sitting photo, and her eyes are gorgeous. Love those big baby blues!! Hope to see y'all again soon!
So cute. Sam loved Sweet potatoes
at that age. He does not like them now. Good luck and thanks for the pictures of Sam and grandma.
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