Last weekend we went to Lake Blackshear to a friends lake house. I think this is the 3rd or 4th year we have gone and last year Brennan wasn't old enough to go on the jet ski. So when Stephen took her for a ride last weekend she instantly fell in love. He took her to a bridge where a lot of birds hang out and she was excited to see so many of them. Right now she is all about the birds. Whenever she sees one she gets excited and says, "BIRDS!!". When Stephen brought her back to the house she said, "ride". So he took her for another ride. Everyday she had to ride a couple of times. I think she would have stayed on all day long if we let her.

Brennan didn't much enjoying swimming in the lake. She loved her borrowed life jacket from her friend, Taylor, but wasn't excited about being in the water. She would stay in for about 5 minutes and then tell us she was done.
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